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שיעורי תורה - הרצאות - דרשות להורדה
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Monday night parashat bamidbar, vechasidecha yeranenu, 2010. - parshat bamidbar, kdushat halevi, mei hashiluah, parashat hashavua
Monday night parashat bamidbar, vechasidecha yeranenu, 2010.
views: 757 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 21th Iyar 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - "Degree of cleanliness" - Monday noon parashat bamidbar, midat hanekiyut, 2010. - cleanliness, parshat bamidbar, ranchal´s hillula, mesilat yesharim, strenghthing speaking
"Degree of cleanliness" - Monday noon parashat bamidbar, midat hanekiyut, 2010.
views: 866 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 21th Iyar 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - "Took up the art of their fathers" - Wednesday night parashat beshalach, Caught their fathers faith - tafsu umanut avotam, 2011. - parshat beshalah, faith, art, fathers
"Took up the art of their fathers" - Wednesday night parashat beshalach, Caught their fathers faith - tafsu umanut avotam, 2011.
views: 1536 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 3th Adar 2th 5771
To view the Torah lecture ""Took up the art of their fathers" - Wednesday night parashat beshalach, Caught their fathers faith - tafsu umanut avotam, 2011." at HD quality click here
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Weekly Parasha - Tazria, Sunday night 5770,  The main think is to do what Hashem commended us, Aim, Innovation, - Parshat Tazria, The main thing is to do good things, , Aim, Innovation, Parasht Tazria
Weekly Parasha - Tazria, Sunday night 5770, The main think is to do what Hashem commended us, Aim, Innovation,
views: 735 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 22th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - parashat Nitzavim vayeleh monday night, No one knew when his time - lo yeda haadam et ito, 2010. - parshat Nitzavim vayeleh, musar, strenght
parashat Nitzavim vayeleh monday night, No one knew when his time - lo yeda haadam et ito, 2010.
views: 1679 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 22th Adar 1th 5771
To view the Torah lecture "parashat Nitzavim vayeleh monday night, No one knew when his time - lo yeda haadam et ito, 2010." at HD quality click here
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - parashat noach thursday noon, Become stronger and not break - to be strong and not break, 2011. - Become stronger and not break, happiness, parshat noach, happy
parashat noach thursday noon, Become stronger and not break - to be strong and not break, 2011.
views: 939 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 22th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Thursday night parashat shmot, To learn the good from the bad, 2011. - parshat shmot, torah, torah, mitzvah, good and bad
Thursday night parashat shmot, To learn the good from the bad, 2011.
views: 739 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 22th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Preview of Wednesday night parashat miketz, Hannukah, Marvel at the wonders of the Creator, 2011. - parshat miketz, holidays, hanukkah, faith, Preview, hanukkah Preview
Preview of Wednesday night parashat miketz, Hannukah, Marvel at the wonders of the Creator, 2011.
views: 1905 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 22th Adar 1th 5771
To view the Torah lecture "Preview of Wednesday night parashat miketz, Hannukah, Marvel at the wonders of the Creator, 2011." at HD quality click here
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Wednesday night parashat miketz, Hannukah, Marvel at the wonders of the Creator, 2011. - parshat miketz, holidays, hanukkah, faith
Wednesday night parashat miketz, Hannukah, Marvel at the wonders of the Creator, 2011.
views: 1730 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 22th Adar 1th 5771
To view the Torah lecture "Wednesday night parashat miketz, Hannukah, Marvel at the wonders of the Creator, 2011." at HD quality click here
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - wednesday noon parashat behaalotecha , Strengthening for the souls, 2010. - parshat behaalotecha, strenght, soul
wednesday noon parashat behaalotecha , Strengthening for the souls, 2010.
views: 974 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 20th Adar 1th 5771
 downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures

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